Friday, September 09, 2005

Feb 7th to Sept 7th

Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
You've become the memory I can't erase

You could have been anyone at all
A stranger falling out of the blue
I'm so glad it was you

It wasn't in the plan, not that I could see
Suddenly a miracle came to me
Safe within your arms, I can say what's true
Nothing in the world I would keep from you

You could have been anyone at all
A net that catches me when I fall
I'm so glad it was you

Denger lagu ini, it feels like me and kakak's story. We were strangers before. And by miracle, he came into my life, just like that. Untuk Andy-ku tersayang, happy 7 months ya.. :* I'm so glad it was you..