Thursday, February 24, 2005

the new me

Ganti alamat blog, hopefully it would bring a new me to you. Sebenernya sih pengen nerusin yang lama, tapi gak seru ya krn udh agak basi isinya. But btw, how can i post my photo on the profile ya???

And where's Andy by the way? ;)


enysant said...

comment box -na mana nih bu??
btw, andy?? is he the same as... or.. it's just me who don't know the 'current situation' of you? ;( hehe

benangkusut said...

inget lagunya incognito *bener gak?

nyanyi bareng..

L. Pralangga said...
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L. Pralangga said...

I think you can post your photo at the Blogger-dashboard, there is an option of update your profile.

From West Africa, Happy blogging!;-)

Anonymous said...

I found you..!! ;) huehehe... :D
eh, fotonya bisa di post di dashboard koq ;)

Wulan Hanson said...

hai haaai... :)
thanks for visiting ya... feel free to browse and read! ;)